
I want you to … surrender. But not as you think … i might want. … not to me. But to the love story by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

“Surrender” … looks like having negative connotations.

Many … most probably … hate the word.

Me … also.

But … most probably there are moments … when the same word … can have a positive impact …. too.

Imagine … you decide to change your life … and start to … paint.

… or to write.

Or sculpture.

In fact … you think about … living the rest of your life … as an artist.

Or … you fall in love.

You feel … that you surrendered.

All your focus … and energies … to come into that direction.

You like it.

In fact … you adore it.


But … you want … a certain type of connection with the art … or that person which you adore so much.

Most probably … a poet … would write to the woman of his life … “Please surrender …” and expect it to happen.

She inspires … him.

I could say that … a poet is a good example … cause i never heard of a poet that was not in love.

And even … if he was not in love of a woman … most probably was in love of the life itself.

He keeps repeating … on and on and on … “Please surrender … not to me … but to the love story …”

And … all is related to that amazing world of love … which he defines into his poems.

All the others … believe he lost his minds.

… and maybe it is true.

Or maybe … it is all related to the fact that … we don’t really understand … love.

We actually believe that it is all a discussion … about an abstract art.

But … maybe is not …

The poet is indeed … an artist.

He disparately needs his muse.

Needs to guide him to that universe of love … but needs her acceptance.

Needs to see her … how she surrenders.

And … together … in connection …. experience the infinite.

… into its absolute form.


Of course … many see the whole discussion as a nonsense.

A total … nonsense.


Almost … like a charade.


I dare to say … it is not.

So … maybe we should surrender.

To art … to hobbies … to love stories … and to anything that could take us out of the normality.

… allowing us to access other dimensions.




Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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Google Books – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adrian_Gabriel_Dumitru_The_KARMIC_CHARADE?id=B6USEQAAQBAJ



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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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